Getting Closer to the Mega Project

Muhammad Anshaal
2 min readDec 25, 2020

As I observed my recent struggles and practices for my surrounding, I came to know that all my previous efforts are based on increasing the inducement of children of my family circle to some purposeful activities like drawing, science and in urging them to explore their interests.

These are some of my previous highlights of indulging them in some activities which I usually do in order to build their creative thinking.

But, I noticed that today’s school-going children do not show any kind of interest in building new concepts and they do not have any aim that what they want to be in future. I come to the point that students need proper mentoring from their school life.

To organize Mentoring programs for school-going children:

Mentoring Chart

So, Mentoring includes all the aspects present in the above chart. I have the aim to do this by organizing mentoring programs in different schools in order to make school-goings to ponder over their interests.

As I mentioned, I have previously done mentoring of my family’s kids, but there is the need to do this more in the inter-school level to create awareness in them and that's all I want to do this as my Mega Project.

There is a lot more to learn while we are mentoring others because every step in life has some essence to give us a chance to be a life long learner. We can learn sometimes as a mentor and sometimes as a mentee.

Mentoring isn’t an extracurricular activity. It’s vital for cultivating an enriching inclusive community.

