Tips to develop Growth Mindset -Amal Totkay

Muhammad Anshaal
3 min readDec 25, 2020

Have you ever think that you can groom your skills or develop your talent? If so, Congratulations! You also have a similar mindset as of the people with a Growth Mindset. It is one of the traits of an Entrepreneurial Mindset which lead the person to become life long learner.

But what if the person lies in the category of developing Growth Mindset? What does he/she need to do?

Photo by Sam Dan Truong on Unsplash

Here are some Amal Tips (Totkay) which I learned from the course of “Entrepreneurship” that help ones to develop their growth mindset.

Let’s discuss the takeaways for the tips.

1. Self-talk


Being introspective helps to put us in a direct conversation with our minds. And the one with positive Self-talk has a great chance to increase his self-confidence and remove out negative notions.

2.Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Get out of your Comfort Zone

While we get out of our comfort zones, we can unleash our potentials to think outside of the box and boost our mindsets to make improvements in it.

3. Make new habits

By making new influential habits in our daily routine, we opt our mindsets to put us in the track of life long learning.

4. Ask others for help

Ask others for help

Asking others for help is also helpful to improve our mindsets from the feedback of others.

The last but not the least is “Fake it till You make it”, it is the phrase of deep meaning which urge us to increase our confidence, competence and develop an optimistic mindset.

As it comes to my favourite, I prefer to fake it till I make it. Because I think it covers all the tips above discussed. By faking ourselves to be the one we want to be, help us to have a chance for Self-talk to check our improvements. When we “Faking It”, we break out of comfort zones and put ourselves in the venture of making it to our dreams.

In conclusion, we can act from this day to develop our Growth mindsets by simply implement these tips in our lives. We only need to take initiative for this AMAL.
“ A man can do as he will…”

